On Demand Rentals

Eric Stanze’s SCRAPBOOK, DEADWOOD PARK, and RATLINE are now available to rent via Beneath The Underground On Demand!
Wicked Pixel Cinema Films Available From ToeTag, Inc.

Autographed RATLINE, SCRAPBOOK, and SAVAGE HARVEST 2: OCTOBER BLOOD DVDs are currently available from ToeTag, Inc. Pick ’em up here!
Cinesploitation Peers Into The “Putrid And Fetid” Soul Of SCRAPBOOK

Cinesploitation.com reviews SCRAPBOOK, directed by Eric Stanze: “Emotion-shattering… unsettling, upsetting, and uncompromising… (a) masterpiece of squirm-inducing underground horror. I can see how some viewers could write this off as just another ‘shocking’ indie horror or ‘torture porn’ but it’s pretty apparent from the beginning that SCRAPBOOK has something else; a soul, as putrid and fetid […]
Now In Stock: SCRAPBOOK 15 Year Anniversary Edition DVD

“A masterpiece of soul-crushing, stomach-churning horror.” – DVD House Of Horror “A terrifying journey… brilliantly-crafted…” – BloodType Online “Challenging and harrowing filmmaking… A minor masterpiece of depravity.” – DVDManiacs.net “Like nothing you’ve seen before. Haack and Biondo are electrifying.” – Horrorview.com Best Independent Film Of The Year Rue Morgue Magazine SCRAPBOOK is back in stock […]
Beneath The Underground SCRAPBOOK Review From New Zealand

Let your brain cells soak up the wordplay on this one! Read the new SCRAPBOOK review from Beneath The Underground right here.